Archive: » 2021 » December

The Beginning of the End of Winter

  • December 23, 2021
The Beginning of the End of Winter


The Winter Solstice is an astronomical event, which occurs in the Northern Hemisphere when the sun is at its utmost distance from the equator and reaches its southernmost point.  The winter transformation begins after the longest night of the year (and the shortest day), regenerating life.

Despite the weather getting colder, the days get longer with the promise of warmer days to come. The solstice has been long celebrated since ancient times, symbolising the rebirth of nature. In prehistoric times, pagans who worshiped the Sun held celebrations, eating and drinking. They believed that the winter solstice was the birthday of the two gods Sol Invictus (the invincible sun) and Mithras. Zoroastrians believed that the darkest night of the year was ominous and people should stay together to protect themselves from evil.

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Interview with Mahendra Pratap – WTM2021

  • December 1, 2021
Interview with Mahendra Pratap – WTM2021


Interview with Mahendra Pratap Managing Director of Travel India Tourism Pvt. Ltd. at the World Travel Market London (WTM 2021


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Interview with Yuvraj Padole – WT2021

  • December 1, 2021
Interview with Yuvraj Padole – WT2021


Interview with Yuvraj Padole Deputy Director of Madhya Pradesh Tourism at the World Travel Market London (WTM) 2021

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Interview with Sindhu B. Rupesh – WTM 2021

  • December 1, 2021
Interview with Sindhu B. Rupesh – WTM 2021


Interview with Sindhu B. Rupesh Director of Karnataka Tourism at the World Travel Market London (WTM) 2021


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