Archive: » 2017 » February

Brussels: A ‘Village’ of European Culture

  • February 24, 2017
Brussels: A ‘Village’ of European Culture

As the capital of one of the youngest countries in Europe, Brussels has a lot to offer—from a medieval old town with a rich heritage to a modern city for art and culture lovers. It is also city of museums that continuously embrace new ideas and bring to life a wide variety of themes.

The expansive Avenue du Boulevard forms the border between the old and new towns. I headed for the cobbled streets of the old town and Rue des Bouchers, a narrow alleyway full of busy restaurants and stores. It was also a bustling place of commerce in the 10th century, where traders sold meat and other goods, during a time when the city experienced significant growth.

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At the Mawlana Festival

  • February 11, 2017
At the Mawlana Festival

Konya is a city of love and a city of pilgrimage in the heart of the Anatolia region in Turkey.

Its ancient heritage shines in the light of Jalal al-din Balkhi Rumi, a man who was a great teacher and scholar of Islam in 13th century. He was known as a spiritual figure in his time and since then has been honoured as a saint. Rumi, known as Mawlana (master), is a messenger of love, having moved millions of souls over centuries with his poems and mysticism. Rumi, whose coffin was carried not only by Muslims, but also by Christians and Jews, died in a cold and snowy winter in Konya on 17th December 1273.

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To view the photo gallery of Konya click here.

Changing Berlin: revisiting after 26 years

  • February 11, 2017
Changing Berlin: revisiting after 26 years

It was the summer of 1990 when I visited Berlin for the first time, shortly after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. I was on a train journey with my family from Frankfurt to Berlin and we were supposed to get off at Berlin Central Train Station in what was West Berlin. By mistake we departed at the Berlin Friedrichstraße station in East Berlin. The station looked very old but it had a very interesting style

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To view the photo gallery of Berlin click here.